Jul 26

You have been to your fair share of kids birthday parties. You received your pity infertile invitation to little Mindy’s 1st birthday party but spent the entire party hanging out with your uterus, chatting with your ovaries, and tearfully listening to your mommy friends talk about breast milk and poopy diapers.

But somewhere along the way the birthday invitations stopped coming. No one said it aloud but “IF YOU DON’T HAVE KIDS, YOU ARE NOT INVITED TO THE PARTY.” Continue reading »

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Jul 22

Another Fertility Patient:How long have you been at this fertility clinic. I’ve been here two months now.” You:This is my first appointment.” LIAR. Continue reading »

Tagged with: fertility clinic
Jul 20

Many infertile women wonder how in the heck did she get pregnant after only one fertility treatment? It’s bad enough to be jealous of pregnant women who get knocked up naturally, but why must you become envious of infertile women too? You’re embarrassed to admit it but you are jealous of women who got pregnant after their first IUI or IVF treatment. Continue reading »

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Jul 18

Why does being infertile suddenly make you the designated driver? And we’re not talking about drinking and driving. Continue reading »

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Jul 13

Ever seen one of these signs? Sometimes they are innocently hanging in a bathroom stall or on the wall at your local restaurant. But for you, all you see is the word PREGNANCY flashing before your eyes. And the sign makes you cry. Continue reading »
