Oct 19

When you’re not expecting, you’ll find many books to tell you how to get pregnant. You know which books they are because most of them are currently sitting on your nightstand. Perhaps you’ve read 6 Easy Steps to Increase your Fertility; The IVF Baby; Conquering Infertility in Three Easy Ways; and Taking Charge of your Fertility, to name just a few. Well, you’ve taken charge of your fertility and where the fertile has it gotten you? $20,000 poorer, 20 pounds fatter and over 20 failed cycles. Continue reading »

Tagged with: fertility books
Oct 18

It’s probably not appropriate to “touch” yourself in public. Nor is it deemed appropriate to squeeze the side of your breasts, stare at your nipples, analyze your areola area to see if they look darker, feel the your boobies to see if they are tender, and ask your husband if your breasts are bigger. As an infertile, you are doing some seriously inappropriate activity but it’s okay. You are completely justified.  Continue reading »

Oct 12

Yes, there are real books out there that actually tell you how to conceive your child’s gender. While many of us infertiles are just wondering how to conceive, some fertiles out there are taking it to the next level. Continue reading »

Tagged with: • How to conceive a girl
Oct 11

Maybe infertility isn’t that funny but you know what is? Your suggested reasons to laugh at infertility! Here are some of your awesome suggestions!

-My favorite is when I am discussing how annoying it is that we only have a slight chance to have children even with IVF (due to Severe Endo and only one remaining, very damaged and clogged fallopian tube) and people say, “You never know…it might just happen naturally…[insert ridiculous success story about so and so's cousin's sister in-law here].” Did I forget to clarify that my eggs are trapped in my ovaries and because of ongoing treatment for Endo, we will never have the luxury of just waiting around for that miracle? -Leslie Continue reading »

Oct 05

Maybe you’re still trying for your first but you’ve already started thinking about baby #2. You sometimes see a fertile walking down the street with her two young children and think to yourself,  ‘how are those kids only a couple years apart? How the fertile did she do it?’ At this rate, you sometimes feel like you’re future offspring are going to be at least 20 years apart…if you’re lucky. Continue reading »
