Jan 09

Thanks Aunt Gertrude, that is such great advice! It did take us over six months to get an appointment with this doctor but I’ll just switch clinics and patiently wait another six months to see someone else. Because infertiles are very patient, you know.

You have a fertility clinic. You have a fertility doctor. You have a fertility program. You are finally comfortable talking about ‘cervical mucus’ in front of the fertility interns. But family members always seem to think that going to a new doctor will solve your problem. “Cousin Lindsey just got pregnant by Doctor Uterus. Why don’t you try going to that doctor instead? I already have his number.”

Thanks.  Continue reading »

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Jan 05

Circle and Bloom is offering 999 Reasons to Laugh readers a 15% discount on any of their fertility products. If you didn’t get a chance to order during the holidays (or if you were too damn broke), here is your chance now. Offer expires January 31, 2011.

Just visit this LINK and enter the discount code below before checkout.

15% Discount Code: 999Reasons15

“Because it’s never too late to meditate with your uterus” - Infertile Naomi

Jan 04

For the last two weeks, you have been trying to find the movie, Mother and Child, at your local library. Why? Because it is a good movie and you love Annette Bening? No. Because the movie has to do with infertility. It happens like this. You see a movie trailer, whether a comedy or drama, where the main character is struggling with infertility, adopting or yearning for a child and you have to see it. It doesn’t matter if it’s a comedy about Jennifer Lopez attempting to get comical during an IUI or Jennifer Aniston looking for a sperm donor at her 40th birthday party, you want to see it because you seem to like to torture yourself.

Some people claim they have ‘gay-dar.’ When it comes to movies, you have infertility-dar. Continue reading »

Tagged with: infertility movies
Dec 28

Sure you can have those boring old New Years Resolutions like losing weight, joining a gym or saving money but here are some more interesting ones that ring true for us fabulous infertiles. Continue reading »

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Dec 22

Dear Santa,

Me again! How’s it going? Mrs. Clause treating you well? Santa, I have been a very good girl this year. I have taken my folic acid on a daily basis (minus last month when I said “screw you, folic acid” during a very crampy menstrual period). I have stuck a thermometer in my mouth every single morning to chart my temperature (and have only cheated twice by taking my temperature after my shower). Even last week when we went out for dinner, I didn’t look at the toilet paper once when I went to the bathroom at Mork’s Fine Steakhouse. Continue reading »

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