Mar 31

The fertility nurse calls to tell you your pregnancy results are negative. SO WHY IN THE WORLD DOES SHE SOUND SO CHEERFUL? Continue reading »

Mar 30

During your two week wait, you are obsessed with your breasts. You hold them, feel for tenderness, lack of tenderness, examine your nipples, ask your husband to examine them, touch, poke, prod, jab, twist, turn and stare. In some countries, you might be considered a bit of a pervert. Continue reading »

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Mar 28

Thinking about going to the gym to lose weight? Think again because infertiles have adopted the “crying hysterically to burn calories” diet!  Continue reading »

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Mar 24

Hey Facebook Friend, although we’ve enjoyed the thousands of pictures of your growing belly, your ultrasound photos and your babies first poopie diapers, for the love of God, PLEASE STOP!!!!!! Continue reading »

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Mar 22

Just to torture yourself, you will watch any movie that touches on infertility. From the “tear jerker” Baby Mama to the 3 second infertility clip in Julie & Julia, you had an emotional breakdown watching these films. Continue reading »
