Mar 21

You have a friend/old co-worker/acquaintance that you see every once and awhile for lunch. You now have a 4 month lunch date reminder that you still aren’t pregnant yet.

Lunch 1:
Her: How are things? Are you pregnant yet? Continue reading »

Mar 13

During infertility, you tend to hate all holidays. A babyless Christmas was not fun. Your birthday was the worst. Mothers Day/Fathers Day made you turn to drinking and even International Asparagus Day made you a little teary eyed. But it’s almost St. Patty’s Day. The day where fertiles are banned from all bars and you can wallow in your sorrows by drinking green beer! Continue reading »

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Mar 08

Because we already spend way too much money on fertility….

Just launched a new feature on my blog that gives readers discounts to various fertility products. I will be adding to this list on a regular basis with different discounts. Check it out –>

Also, don’t forget to check out the Fertility Focus Online Event! It’s FREE! Click on the image below for details!


“Infertile” Naomi

Mar 06

Eleven of your co-workers are pregnant. Mindy from Accounting is pregnant; Kelly-Sue from HR is expecting and even Bob and his partner Jimbo are having a baby via surrogate.  “There must be something in the water,” Your co-workers are saying.”When is it going to be YOUR turn? Continue reading »

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Feb 27

Remember the good old days when you had no idea what cervical mucus was; you didn’t chart your temperature first thing in the morning and you never had a full emotional breakdown if your husband was unavailable during your peak ovulation period.

Infertility has made you weird. Continue reading »
