Aug 23

The Infertile Positive –> Two week wait. Check toilet paper obsessively. Google all pregnancy symptoms. Get all fake pregnancy symptoms. Pee on multiple pregnancy sticks (or avoid them altogether). Take basal temperature, daily. Glare at pregnant bellies. Curse any celebrity that announces a pregnancy. Blood test. Positive? Disbelief. Wait for second beta. Hold breath. Feel nervous. Fearful. Tell no one (or quietly tell your mom). Continue to hold breath.

The Fertile Positive–> Pee on stick. Positive. Tell everyone including the grocery store cashier. Celebrate.

Your infertile positive will come. Just keep believing.

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Jul 18

Why does being infertile suddenly make you the designated driver? And we’re not talking about drinking and driving. Continue reading »

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Jul 06

Crazy Woman

You love your husband/partner. But sometimes you wonder ‘Hey. What if I had sex with multiple partners this month, would I get pregnant then?’ You wonder this inside your head but wouldn’t really say it out loud. Continue reading »

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May 24

Your fertility treatment is supposed to be the magical solution. So why isn’t it working? Continue reading »

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Apr 20

Dear Infertile Abby,

I have a finger issue.

I don’t know if it’s just me or if this happens to all infertiles, but when I’m expecting a period or hoping for a positive, I wipe the toilet paper and sometimes see a light pink color. However, when I look closer, I realize that it’s not a pink color but sadly just my finger seen through the wet toilet paper. The paper somehow resembles a light pink bleeding but the moment I remove the finger, the TP is white again. Does this happen to others as well and am I normal? Continue reading »

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