Mar 12

When you’re at the end of your infertile rope,  you just cannot cope and (want to smoke dope), hold onto hope.  Continue reading »

Tagged with: infertility poetry
Mar 10

The fertility clinic is a wonderful place. It is one of the only places you feel (somewhat) comfortable leaving completely embarrassing phone messages…. Continue reading »

Tagged with: embarrassing question fertility doctor
Mar 09

Fertility Drug Instructions for ‘Estrace’: During your period, swallow by mouth 3 pills in the morning and 3 in the evening. When the bleeding stops, insert this medication into your vagina. Continue reading »

Tagged with: Estrace frozen embryo transfer • FET and Estrace •
Mar 08
Once you’ve joined the ‘infertility club,’ you also get an honorary membership to the ’soiled underwear club’ too….. Congratulations? Continue reading »

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Mar 06

As soon as someone find out you’re dealing with infertility, the bad advice begins… Continue reading »

Tagged with: fertility advice