Dec 06

Sometimes, it’s just nice to make a friend at your fertility blood and ultrasound appointment…

Dec 01

The December holidays are fast approaching and you have 0-1 cycles left in the hopes of getting pregnant before Christmas. You’re not holding your breath. Last holiday season, you said to yourself “Self, this time next year, I will be pregnant.” Instead, you’re pretty sure you’ll be sending out those infertile holiday greeting card yet again. Continue reading »

Tagged with: Christmas and infertility
Nov 29

You (hopefully) have many supportive friends that you can lean on during your infertility journey. They may not always understand what you’re going through but they are always around to listen. And then there are your other friends… Continue reading »

Nov 25

Happy American Thanksgiving! So what if it’s another holiday without a pregnancy! There are still many things you can be thankful for. This year, you are thankful for:

  1. The ability to have a fourth glass of wine so Great Aunt Ruby can stop asking if you’re pregnant yet.
  2. All that pumpkin pie. “Are you pregnant yet?” “No. How about if I shove that pie in your face?
  3. The ‘I-ate-too-much-turkey’ belly bloat. You will be able to see what you look like with a fat belly bump! Continue reading »

Tagged with: Infertile Thanksgiving
Nov 17

Ever feel like your life is like an infertile soap opera? You feel like you have a secret infertile self that you hide from others, there is drama, emotions, heartache, hope and an insane amount of sex.

Yes, you’re living an infertile soap opera, just without the accidental pregnancy, an embryo switch, and a bartender named Chase who may or may not be your baby daddy. Continue reading »

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