Aug 06

Deep Infertile Thought of the Day–>
“Always believe that the glass is half full… unless it’s a semen analysis cup than the cup should really be completely full because a half empty and half full cup may mean he’s shooting blanks.”

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May 27

You know you’re infertile when…

…The girl you use to babysit is now pregnant.

“Hey, little Mindy-Sue, my mom told me you’re pregnant. Wow. Remember when I use to babysit you? I changed your diaper and gave you a bottle, and now you’re having a baby… (insert awkward looking smile)… before me. Hey, here’s an idea. By the time I have a baby, your baby can babysit my baby. Ha. Ha….. ha.”

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Mar 03

If your infertile life was a book, it would be called…

Category: Suspense

- Whodonit? I just murdered my period.

- My husband has a business trip during my ovulation dates and I’m going to kill his boss.

- I waited by the phone all day for my fertility clinic to call me back.

- Will she ever find a pair of underwear that isn’t stained red?


- (Over) Eat, Pray, No Glove.

- The Help: We’ve done the deed every other day for the last 4 years. Make it stop.

- I have a bottle of wine and a box of fertility drugs in the fridge.

- The IVF Story: We made a baby and my husband wasn’t even in the room. Continue reading »

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Nov 06

You have a heightened pregnancy radar.

To everyone else, it was a normal Sunday night dinner with the family. But then your sister/sister-in-law passed on eating the deli and it sent off alarm bells to your pregnancy-dar.   Continue reading »

Tagged with: Deli and pregnancy •
May 01

What are you doing this Mother’s Day? A nice brunch? A spa day out with mom? Nope. You will be putting your legs up in stirrups and enjoying a transvaginal wand appointment. Continue reading »

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