May 12

Dear Coffee,

I love you.  I’m so sorry we keep breaking up and then getting back together again month after month. The internet and fertility books advise me to limit your presence in my life but I still pine for you so much. One month, I will give you the silent treatment, refusing to even say hello to you in the morning. Another month, I will attempt to limit you and even (gasp!) cheat on you with your not so good-looking decaffeinated half cousin. Continue reading »

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May 12

It’s not too late to sign up! You can listen to great fertility experts by phone or computer.

I’m participating in The Fertility Focus Telesummit! This is a free virtual event happening May 10-16th and you’re invited to listen to a bunch of great fertility speakers (including me!). Sign up for free and listen to me ramble speak about ovulation and cervical mucus! See here for more details!

It’s a cervical mucus of an event!

May 11

Have you had your ‘thank goodness I’m not her‘ moments? Yes, you have. Continue reading »

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May 09

When you start your fertility journey, your first test becomes the Hysterosalpingogram, or HSG procedure. During this test, the doctor fills the uterine cavity with dye to determine if the fallopian tubes are open or blocked (in other words, the evil doctor shoves a speculum into your lady part, pokes at your cervix and then pours dye down your tubes while you cringe and spasm with cramps. And it’s not some type of cool rainbow colored tie dye or a nice alcoholic liquid either. It’s a radioactive, vagina unfriendly drink).

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May 07

…Because we are probably not. Here is some good advice from actress and infertility alumni Nia Vardalos:

“Don’t ask a woman if she is pregnant, unless her water breaks on your flip-flops, a baby arm dangles out of her vagina and she asks you to cut the cord. Then, and only then, may you ask if she is having a baby. Otherwise, shut up.”

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