Aug 23

The Infertile Positive –> Two week wait. Check toilet paper obsessively. Google all pregnancy symptoms. Get all fake pregnancy symptoms. Pee on multiple pregnancy sticks (or avoid them altogether). Take basal temperature, daily. Glare at pregnant bellies. Curse any celebrity that announces a pregnancy. Blood test. Positive? Disbelief. Wait for second beta. Hold breath. Feel nervous. Fearful. Tell no one (or quietly tell your mom). Continue to hold breath.

The Fertile Positive–> Pee on stick. Positive. Tell everyone including the grocery store cashier. Celebrate.

Your infertile positive will come. Just keep believing.

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Aug 22

Sometimes you just need to search for those inspirational quotes that make your bad infertility days seem a little bit better. Maybe you even googled “Infertility inspirational quotes” for sources of much needed hope, strength, and perseverance. Continue reading »

Tagged with: infertility inspirational quotes
Aug 17

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Check out my NEW celebrity fertility post at Alanis Morissette is pregnant….Isn’t it Ironic? Don’t you think? It’s like meeting the man of my dreams, and then realizing that he has azoospermia.

(Have you joined page yet? It’s a lot of infertile fun!)

Aug 15


You– “Hi (fertile friend). Just calling to say hello.”

“Nice to hear from y— JESSICA, GET OFF THE SOFA!—- How are things with you and—TOMMY, DO YOU HAVE A POOPIE DIAPER AGAIN? — Sorry ’bout that, what were you sayi— ONE MORE SCREAM AND YOU’RE SITTING IN THE CORNER, YOUNG LADY.”  Continue reading »

Aug 10

Dear Fertility God, Regular God, Mother Nature, or To Whom It May Concern (including Oprah),

I understand that you’re busy. You have large responsibilities and a lot of things going on right now. I understand if you’re working on the oil spill, curing diseases and figuring who will take over for Oprah Winfrey after she leaves the network. Continue reading »

Tagged with: infertility and trying to conceive