May 09

An infertile likes to torture herself.

On Infertile’s Worst Nightmare Day Mother’s Day, you checked your Facebook account, knowing full well you will be subjected to Mother’s Day photos and Mommy-related status updates. Continue reading »

Tagged with: Mothers' Day infertility
May 08

If you are dreading Mother’s Day, cheer up! Remember that May is also National Asparagus Month!! Another great reason to celebrate!

Forget Mother’s Day, here are some other real (but equally wonderful) lesser known holidays to celebrate in May! Continue reading »

May 01

What are you doing this Mother’s Day? A nice brunch? A spa day out with mom? Nope. You will be putting your legs up in stirrups and enjoying a transvaginal wand appointment. Continue reading »

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Apr 27

Prince William’s thoughts before his big day: Continue reading »

Apr 25

In honor of National Infertility Awareness Week (NIAW), here are some ‘common’ myths about infertility.

MYTH #1: Your Fertility Clinic will Never Call you Back

It might feel like they will never call you back but eventually your fertility clinic will call. You have left a voice message with your fertility clinic early this morning. You could be calling for any number of reasons including (but not limited to) your pregnancy test results, IVF fertilization report, an inquiry about ovulation or some embarrassing questions about spotting and if it’s normal.  “Hi. It’s (blank), calling again. I went for my beta blood test this morning. Please give me a call back with the results.” You called them at 8:30am. 9am, no phone call. 10am, no phone call (10:15am, check to see if phone is working. It is). 11am, no phone call. 11:15am, phone rings and it’s your mother. You quickly hang up on her. As you wait for the call, the phone comes with you into the bathroom and you contemplate calling them again. FOR THE LOVE OF INFERTILITY, WHY WON’T THEY CALL ME BACK? You start Continue reading »

Tagged with: Infertility myths resolve