Mar 28

*Lady Gaga just announced that she plans to have a baby through IVF. Check out my new Gaga post at

*sorry if this article makes you want to Lady Gag.

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Mar 25

There are select people in your life who know about your fertility issues. Your best friend, your mother, your family doctor. Here are a list of other unnecessary people who know a little too much about your conception challenges… Continue reading »

Mar 22

Last night, you woke up in a puddle of drool. It’s odd because you never usually drool in your sleep.

Maybe it’s a pregnancy symptom? Continue reading »

Mar 11

Everyone was sitting around the table, drinking tea and enjoying pie.

Except you.

The infertile who had her pregdar on high alert. Continue reading »

Mar 03

If your infertile life was a book, it would be called…

Category: Suspense

- Whodonit? I just murdered my period.

- My husband has a business trip during my ovulation dates and I’m going to kill his boss.

- I waited by the phone all day for my fertility clinic to call me back.

- Will she ever find a pair of underwear that isn’t stained red?


- (Over) Eat, Pray, No Glove.

- The Help: We’ve done the deed every other day for the last 4 years. Make it stop.

- I have a bottle of wine and a box of fertility drugs in the fridge.

- The IVF Story: We made a baby and my husband wasn’t even in the room. Continue reading »

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