Apr 15

Congratulations to those real-life organizations who actually celebrate a BFN like the people at the Breast Feeding Network and those working at the British Forces Network! 

Next time you get a BFN, instead of hysterically sobbing, remember these fine folks who are enjoying their BFNs!

There use to be four guys in the above photo but Charlie ran away crying after failing an IUI.

Infertile Karen works at the BFN (the Breastfeeding Network) and has some very good reasons why she feels depressed at the workplace.

Now Playing: Baby Mama! No offense but I will be skipping the movies at BFN (Boston Film Night).

Thanks but I already President and CEO of the BFN Regional Office.

5 Responses to “#774 It’s nice to see someone enjoying their BFN”

  1. Jess says:

    On a positive note, at least I don’t work at the breastfeeding network! I still hate BFN’s!

  2. says:

    Before I opened this post, I thought it was going to be about me, and I was thinking, “You know, it’s about 1000 times more complicated than that.”

    But I still think I may be able to solve it with ice cream.

  3. TTC2years,only-aunti? says:

    I just becam an “aunti” again, and it stung when my friend “named” me for her beautiful son.

    Fortunately I came across your blog some days ago, since then I´ve been reading, laughing, and nodding with recognition.
    Thank you, it´s good to know I´m not the only crazy one in the world ;)

    The post about those IF that totally forgets their struggle to get pregnant after they get a BFP, is so true. The last two years I´ve been standing by my IF-friend (struggeling with secondary infertility) through medication-ups-downs-anger-tears-may bees and may be nots, but after she got a BFP after IVF #1 and have seen the heartbeet on screen- Where did she go?
    I´ll bee good withoute here, right?

    TTC for two years almost to the day, chasing our dream through ICSI.
    Scandinavian Endo-gal (only-aunti) and almost-no-sperm guy

  4. Jeff says:

    On a positive note, at least I don’t work at the breastfeeding network! I still hate BFN’s!

  5. Dave says:

    Before I opened this post, I thought it was going to be about me, and I was thinking, “You know, it’s about 1000 times more complicated than that.”

    But I still think I may be able to solve it with ice cream.
