May 16

Yes. An infertile really feels "carefree" while buying pads

The girl in front of you at the supermarket bought a box of maxi pads.

Begin Infertile Internal Dialogue: Continue reading »

May 10

For anyone dealing with infertility, Mother’s Day can be a difficult time. Perhaps it would be just a bit easier if we could re-name the holiday to something that didn’t remind us of moms and babies. Here are some suggestions for re-naming Mother’s Day:  Continue reading »

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May 03

Fertility Tip Number 8,043 —> Try not to have an emotional breakdown about infertility in the workplace. You never know if you’re going to be on an episode of Undercover Boss.

“May-Lou, I’ve called you into my office because I am not really Gus, the pizza delivery guy. I am Constantine the third, the CEO of your workplace. During our time together, I noticed that you spent a lot of time crying in the bathroom and cursing at a box of tampons. As a company, we have decided to pay for all of your fertility treatments, and promote you to a different department for infertility insane workers.”

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Apr 30

Be a part of the 999 Reasons YouTube Channel!

We are looking for video stories to add to our 999 Reasons channel.

  • Inspiring videos about your success, failures and/or fertility journey.
  • Are you looking to raise money for your fertility treatments? Send us your video and we’ll try to help spread the word!
  • Your funny infertile moments.

We are always a fan of funny (so try not to cry too much on your video or your mascara will run). Send your videos to: . Include subject heading: Fertility Video

*Videos will be approved prior to posting.

Apr 30

It’s official. Jessica Simpson is now in her 4th trimester. The singer is expecting her first child and it feels like she’s been pregnant for 14 months. And for some reason, you care about this.

You’ve been checking the internet constantly to see if she’s had her baby yet. You’ve had enough of this extremely long pregnancy and you’re ready to move on with your life. You’re ready to read the gossip magazines about her delivery, hear about her harrowing birth story, see photos of her baby and then watch her lose weight on Jenny Craig.

You’re ready to move past the 6 stages of celebrity pregnancy obsession which include:

  1. Anger. I bet she got pregnant really easily.
  2. Jealousy. She loves to show off that baby bump.
  3. Blame. I hope she names the baby something stupid like ‘Cranberry Soda Simpson” or “Candy Cane Fudge Jr.”
  4. Hopefulness. Maybe she will remain fat.
  5. Bargaining. For the love of fertility, please don’t let her sister, Ashley, announce a pregnancy.
  6. Acceptance. Well, good for her. At least she’s not pregnant anymore.

If you suffer from celebrity pregnancy obsession, you are not alone.

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