Jun 22

…Your husband says “honey, your body feels really warm tonight,” and you automatically think, “I hope my basal temperature is increasing.”

(For more awesome infertile chat, follow me on Twitter @)

Jun 17

“The minute you think of giving up, think of the reason why you held on so long.”

Don’t let another holiday or day go by feeling depressed and sad about infertility. Today, take your future baby daddy out for brunch (don’t order the scrambled eggs); buy him a gift (we recommend vitamins to improve his lazy ass sperm); plan a special outing together (honey, let’s go to that beautiful park today and I’ll let you inject the fertility needle into my belly); or simply spend some time just enjoying each other (honey, you are still not allowed to go into the hot tub).

…Or just hold him tightly and remember how lucky you already are in that moment.

Tagged with: Father's Day infertility
Jun 12

“Life isn’t about trying to weather the storm, it’s about learning to dance in the rain…….

  • …after you find out your husband has to take a business trip during your ovulation cycle.
  • …after getting your period during cousin Martha’s wedding.
  • …after finding out your best friend is pregnant after one month of trying.
  • …after spending $50.00 on negative pregnancy tests.
  • …after planning your sister’s baby shower during your IVF egg retrieval.
  • …after seeing 40 pregnant women at Wal-Mart.
  • …after reading Facebook status updates about how awful pregnancy symptoms are.
  • …after staining another pair of underwear because you refused to buy tampons in advance.

So always remember to take an umbrella and look for the rainbow after the storm.

May 27

You know you’re infertile when…

…The girl you use to babysit is now pregnant.

“Hey, little Mindy-Sue, my mom told me you’re pregnant. Wow. Remember when I use to babysit you? I changed your diaper and gave you a bottle, and now you’re having a baby… (insert awkward looking smile)… before me. Hey, here’s an idea. By the time I have a baby, your baby can babysit my baby. Ha. Ha….. ha.”

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May 20

Caution: Bring your tissues and/or Fertility Therapist

Check out my NEW post for Fertility Authority. . Will you see this movie?

Tagged with: What to expect the movie • What to Expect when you're expecting