May 07

I’m participating in The Fertility Focus Telesummit! This is a free virtual event happening May 10-16th and you’re invited to listen to a bunch of great fertility speakers (including me!). Listen to the speakers by phone or computer.

Sign up for free and listen to me ramble speak about ovulation and cervical mucus! Click here for more information and to sign up!

May 05

The below song “” caused a lot of controversy. But they got it all wrong. We, infertile gals, are the smug ones! We brag because we get the royal treatment when trying to conceive; we have someone else examining our uterus’ everyday; Continue reading »

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May 04

For anyone dealing with infertility, Mother’s Day can be a difficult period (pun intended). This is a day where mother’s are celebrated and those who are not seem to be forgotten. It may leave a little private heartache in your chest knowing that you are still waiting for your baby to arrive. Continue reading »

May 03

Finding a fertility doctor can be an overwhelming process. You want a doctor who has a proven track record, will listen and understand your needs during a difficult time and who lives in close proximity since you will sometimes have appointments on a daily basis. Continue reading »

Apr 29

fertility Comments Off

Drum roll please!!!

Congratulations to the WINNERS of our randomly selected pregnancy test giveaway. You win a conception package including ovulation strips and early detection pregnancy test strips! To claim your prize, please contact me directly at . Use the subject heading “contest winner.

1). Li says:2010/04/28 at 12:22 pm
A Beer Feels Nice (of course after the BFN you can drink).
2). lindsay says: 2010/04/30 at 9:46 am
Busted Feminine Nest! Although I do like bummed for now and belief & faith needed!!
3). Nicole P. says: 2010/04/26 at 1:57 pm
