Dec 19

Remember your ‘pregnancy plan’ from months/years ago? You had planned to get pregnant within a couple months, announce your pregnancy to the world (including posting those annoying Facebook photos of your belly), go on maternity leave and then leave your job for good…

…Fast forward to present day. Continue reading »

Dec 14


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We picked our winner – check it out on our contest page!

Dreading the holidays? Not anymore (well sort-of)! Enter to win a holiday fertility prize from our friends at Circle & Bloom.

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Dec 13

Check out my NEW post at - Some advice from fellow infertility warrior Celine Dion!

Dec 13

When you find out someone is pregnant, a normal first reaction is “Wow. Congratulations! That is great news. I’m so happy for you!” But you’re an infertile and that’s typically not your first thought even if you don’t want to admit it.

YOUR DAD: “Cousin Martha just called. She is pregnant! Isn’t that great news!”

YOU: (Right or wrong, your first inner thought will probably include one or more of the following thoughts)… Continue reading »

Tagged with: pregnancy announcements during infertility
Dec 07

If you do fertility treatments to become a parent, your chances of conceiving multiples are pretty high. Although you are secretly envious of the Octomom and Michelle Duggar from 190 Kids & Counting, you are not looking forward to those future questions “Hey, do twins run in your family?” and “Why don’t your quadruplets look anything alike?” You will (one day) be a very proud mom-to-be and you will probably always have to explain that “No, stranger at the grocery store, twins don’t run in our family” or “It is funny, Aunt Gertrude, what are the odds we would get pregnant with six babies naturally. You’re right, we must be very fertile“  Continue reading »
