Sep 11

Damn you,! Screw you,!

When you first started trying, you thought it would be fun to sign up for weekly email pregnancy updates. Or perhaps you signed up when you got your first positive result…and then you miscarried. You started to receive weekly emails that detailed your fetus’ development and  pregnancy. At first it was exciting and cute.

Week 4: Congratulations! Your embryo is now the size of a poppy seed. You may start to feel nausea, swollen boobs and a pregnancy impostor.
Week 8:  Uh Oh! You are now bleeding but the good news is you will never stop receiving these pregnancy updates emails. Continue reading »

Sep 01

Infertility is no joke.

There is nothing funny about transvaginal wands; having a fertility doctor looking at your Hoo Haw at 7:00 in the morning or lying to your boss when you arrive late to work because you were having eggs surgically removed from your ovaries. It is no laughing matter when your husband has to provide a sperm sample in the fertility clinic porn room; when you injure your back after elevating your legs following baby-making sex; or when you are secretly envious of your pregnant dog. Mr. Giggles.

Infertility is no laughing matter…. Continue reading »

Aug 29

Enter to WIN a Circle and Bloom Fertility Download!

Attention: 999 Reasons to Laugh Facebook Members! Win your choice of one of the Circle and Bloom Fertility Programs! Programs can be downloaded to your Ipod and computer.


  1. Join our extremely fertile
  2. Write a comment on the Facebook page with your best Infertile joke.
  3. One lucky winner will be randomly chosen on September 5th, 2011 (so even if your joke sucks, you can still win).

(If you don’t want to wait for the contest, you can also get 15% off  Circle & Bloom programs. Use the discount code: 999Reasons15)

Special thanks to Circle & Bloom and

Aug 21

Lizzie McGuire is having like a totally hot summer. Actress Hilary Duff recently announced her pregnancy on her website by saying: “This weekend, Mike and I are celebrating our one-year anniversary….We also want to share the exciting news that baby makes three.”

Your first thoughts after hearing Hilary Duff is pregnant:

Wait. She has only been married for one year?!

Isn’t Hilary Duff only like 15 years old?

Lizzie McGuire is @!$% pregnant!!!

What’s next? If Mary Kate or Ashley Olsen announce a pregnancy, I’m going to cry.

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Aug 15

As if FertileBook Facebook is not bad enough.

The social networking site announced this week that they now have an “I’m expecting” option. In the Family section, users now have the option to announce their due date, the baby’s sex and name. So instead of just seeing your friend’s ultrasound and belly shots, they can now click the “I’m expecting” button (which automatically makes an infertile cry).

Mark Zuckerberg – live in the real world! Here are some other fertility related buttons you should add: Continue reading »

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