Oct 30

#644 How to Survive an Infertile Halloween

fertility 20 Comments »

This time last year, you were starting your first IUI. So how come, a year later, you are no closer to a pregnancy? Another infertile Halloween. Sigh. Continue reading »

Oct 21

Step 1: Expect arrival of your period
Step 2: Check toilet paper hourly
Step 3: Feel slightly hopeful when your period is 30 minutes late
Step 4: Keep checking toilet paper hourly
Step 5: Light spotting
Step 6: Insert swear word Continue reading »

Oct 10

#646 Positive Fertility Affirmations

fertility 17 Comments »

Infertility is difficult.

Think positively everyday and never give up hope. And when in doubt, follow these positive fertility affirmations to live by…. Continue reading »

Oct 02

Your pregnant Facebook friend, Sally, is a real fruit.

Each week fertile Sally updates her Facebook profile picture with a fruit-related photo to correspond to her pregnancy.

Week 12: Sally’s profile photo says that her baby is the size of a lemon!
Week 15: Oh my, Sally is a Red Delicious Apple!
Week 33: Sally is a pineapple! Continue reading »

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Sep 18

You went to IKEA because you needed a new piece of furniture. Instead you went to IKEA formally known as the ‘everyone-is-pregnant-or-has-young-children’ store.

Everyone is pregnant at IKEA. Continue reading »
