Sep 27
Fertility Tip: How to achieve two lines on a pregnancy stick.
(a) Pee on two sticks.
(b) Get a pregnant woman to pee on your stick.
(c) Draw on the second line with magic marker.
(d) Relax and it will happen.
(e) All of the above but d.
Ha! I just about spit my coffee out when I read this. Love it!
Love it!
yeah, I think achieving two lines on a preg stick is a myth!
Dip your test in Mountain Dew… two lines.
It’s a wonder why I didn’t receive those 2 lines, back when I was trying to conceive the first year. Hmmm. Oh wait, it’s because I’m IF and relaxing isn’t going to make my endo go away or boost my DH’s sperm.
People with their “helpful” advice can shove it out their arse.
I agree, I’m also beginning to think the two lines are some Urban Legend pregnant women make up
Either that or 99.9% of all pregnancy tests are broken/defective.
I got my first “two lined” positive pee test last week and I was so excited I cried, too bad it was only an ovulation test, but still, yay go me!!
sister K
You can also dip into apple juice to get a second line.