May 04

For anyone dealing with infertility, Mother’s Day can be a difficult period (pun intended). This is a day where mother’s are celebrated and those who are not seem to be forgotten. It may leave a little private heartache in your chest knowing that you are still waiting for your baby to arrive. The good news is that May also brings other holidays to celebrate! So if Mother’s Day really does bother you and you plan to have an alcoholic breakfast in bed, maybe you should celebrate these other holidays instead. And yes, these holidays do actually exist.

May 6- International No Diet Day (you will participate in that!) 

May 11 – Eat What You Want Day (Hello coffee, a bag of chips and chocolate cake for breakfast!)

May 11- Twilight Day (also known as Clomid Side Effect Day) 

May 12- Limerick Day (We believe we will conceive, although we heave, and have a hair weave, and want to leave but we do believe we will conceive this eve and maybe with Steve)

May 15- Nylon Stockings Day (maybe it should be a Nylon’s are too Damn Itchy Day instead)

And to add to the excitement, May is also Asparagus Month (for those vegetable lovers); National Egg Month (how appropriate); and National Postcard Week (for those who still don’t have email yet). So if you feel like crying on Mother’s Day, feel better knowing that someone out there is grilling their  asparagus on the BBQ or sending a delightful postcard to someone they love.

Remember, we are all parents, we just haven’t met our babies yet.

11 Responses to “#766 The Mother’s Day dread”

  1. Nancy says:

    You forgot today, Star Wars Day! May the Fourth be with you.

  2. Bella says:

    I feel so much better now knowing I can celebrate national asparagus month instead! How shall i celebrate – maybe by grilling them, no frying them, no maybe I should just microwave.

  3. says:

    Don’t forget May 5th: Cinco de Mayo, or possibly better known as Cinco de Drinko! (Or is that just what I call it?)

  4. charlotte says:

    Cinco de Drinko! ….Classic! LMAO. Good one Kitty. I’ll make sure I have a drink tomorrow. :-)

  5. Misty says:

    I will be very hungover on Mother’s Day! Is there an infertile day? Nobody should get a holiday unless everone gets one!

  6. Marci says:

    Mothers, not Mother’s are celebrated.

  7. says:

    Funny post.

    My husband recently informed me that May 17th is “International Women Bringing Men Sandwich Day.” LOL!!!!!

  8. Tobee says:

    Fantastic idea Misty….Infertiles day! love it, there seems to be a celebration for everything else so why not. I definitely think we should get presents and flowers, because I feel like I’m working just as hard as a mother and I don’t even have a baby yet!I think our years as a ‘mother’ should be counted back from the day we started ttc!

  9. Rae says:

    Hear, Hear agreed we should definitely start this day

  10. I propose not to hold off until you get big sum of cash to buy all you need! You should take the mortgage loans or just bank loan and feel yourself comfortable

  11. Rae says:

    Ok so I agree I think we need to have an international No I’m not pregnant yet, but please continue to interregate my personal life day lol no in all seriousness I think we should have an international infertility day I think that those of us who are TTC are working almost if not as hard as all the mothers out there where is our day to recieve flowers and chocolates and accolades for the hard work we put in? Sorry I just feel down today for some odd reason ;(
