Oct 03

Fertility Tip: Only buy the amount of medication you need.

In your refrigerator, you probably have some fruits, vegetables, maybe a lasagna and a bunch of leftover fertility medication. For the love of infertility, why did you buy so much extra medication? Now you have over $500 worth of medication that will expire before you will even need it again.  Continue reading »

Tagged with: fertility medication
Oct 01

Check out my with Trista, The Bachelorette,  as we chat about infertility (and her hunky firefighter husband, Ryan)!

NEW CONTEST –> Enter to win Trista’s favorite fertility product- The OV Watch!

Sep 28

If you’re dealing with infertility, no doubt you hate any type of fertility advice. You relaxed and it didn’t just happen. You went on vacation and surprise, no pregnancy! You stopped trying and you know what happened? Nothing! When you’re trying to conceive, you will hear a lot of unwanted stupid fertility advice.  Continue reading »

Tagged with: bad fertility advice
Sep 26

Remember the good old days when you had a pap smear and only ONE doctor looked into your lady parts? Those were the days. During your fertility journey, you now have an assortment of doctors, interns, nurses, ultrasound technicians examining your lower region. It’s like a party down there. Continue reading »

Sep 21

During your infertility journey, there are times when you are NOT envious of pregnant women. This is a rare occurrence because most times, you are a bitter and jealous infertile and would rather examine a woman’s cervical mucus than look at another belly bump. Continue reading »
