Dec 09

A typical day…..Eat breakfast, go to work, google random infertility phrases….

“Fertility drugs, side effects”
“Sore breasts. Am I pregnant?”
“Dark nipples. Early pregnancy symptom?”
“Will IVF hurt?”
“Does IUI work on first try?”
“Will I ever get pregnant?”

Why do you do this to yourself? Googling negative phrases about infertility does not lead to happy, positive answers! You will often get horror stories that will make you more frightened then before. Do you expect to find delightful, fun answers after googling “embryo retrieval, will it hurt?” or googling “depressed, infertility?” Do you expect to find an answer like ‘The embryo retrieval felt fantastic! I would do it over and over again!…’ Do you expect googling “tender boobies, am I pregnant?” will give you the right answer like ‘tender breasts are a definite sign of pregnancy. You are 100 percent pregnant……’

You spend a lot of time googling fertility symptoms and but do you really believe that anything good will come out of searching for “fertility drug, side effects?” Dr. Google will not tell you that there are zero side effects and you will be just fine. Instead, he will list all the possible scary side effects and it will increase your worrying.

Give yourself a break. The answers are not in the cyber world. The answers come from you and the knowledge that you are stronger and more confident because of infertility.
