May 16

Yes. An infertile really feels "carefree" while buying pads

The girl in front of you at the supermarket bought a box of maxi pads.

Begin Infertile Internal Dialogue:

“Poor girl. She is buying pads. She must be getting her period. Maybe she’s infertile or she would have purchased tampons. (quick scan of her body). She isn’t wearing a wedding ring so maybe she’s not an infertile. Maybe she left her wedding ring at home because Clomid made her fingers swell. (judgement internal thought. Remember you don’t have to be married to want a baby). She is buying pads and she doesn’t seem to be crying or having an emotional breakdown. She can’t be infertile. If she was a true infertile she would be buying pads, crying or at least have tears in her eyes, and would have purchased a comfort item like a chocolate bar or box of cookies. She isn’t an infertile. Just some girl who got her period.”

It’s a good thing no one can hear your inner thoughts. Or at least until the internet invents something that can.

6 Responses to “#618 The Girl at the Supermarket Bought Pads”

  1. jdfan14 says:

    “She is buying pads and she doesn’t seem to be crying or having an emotional breakdown.” LOL

  2. Hannah says:

    I actually always buy cookies with my pads lol

  3. Meredith says:

    I actually had a checkout girl at CVS have the nerve to ask me while purchasing a pregnancy test if this was a happy thing or a nerve wracking thing…I think it needs to be a part of their training that they keep their comments to inner thoughts!

  4. says:

    hahahahahahaha, awesome. Just awesome. I think I would have also thought, “She can’t be an infertile. She didn’t buy a pregnancy test with those pads… just to BE SURE that this period isn’t really implantation bleeding.”

  5. Marci says:

    One BFN, I made hoppie take me to The Melting Pot, a very non-family friendly fondue restaurant. The waitress asked what we were celebrating. I said, “We’re not pregnant.”
    “No, actually we’ve been trying for 5 years. I’ll have another chocolate martini, please.”

  6. says:

    LOL…. perfect, I have had this internal dialogue TOO many times :D
