Apr 04
You are pretty sure that you spent more money on ovulation and pregnancy tests this year than on fertility treatments. You feel like a crazy infertile. Don’t judge me.
You are pretty sure that you spent more money on ovulation and pregnancy tests this year than on fertility treatments. You feel like a crazy infertile. Don’t judge me.
LOL! Purchased many pregnancy tests at once for my two week waits for IVF cycles. Both cashiers just HAD to make a comment, I choose not to say anything-none of their business for one and two I would have probably told them the whole infertiltiy issues if I opened my mouth. Staying slient was best option
I keep a stock of them in my cupboards next to the tampons, JUST IN CASE!! And I swear every month I think something is weird or not quite right and so I have to test a couple days before the B*tch arrives. I buy the “value” ones tho. 88 cents at Walmart, lol
Back when I used to buy pregnancy tests (when I knew it wasn’t going to happen but I hadn’t completely given up hope and stopped buying them) I would always buy a bottle of wine, too, to drown my sorrows after I got the negative. I got some weird looks from the cashiers. Don’t judge me.
*Puts pregnancy and ovulation sticks on counter* “Can I get a pack of Marlbro 100s and a bottle of Grey Goose too?”
Infertility makes me want to puff several cigarettes and break out the top shelf liquor.
I usually buy four at a time
Then I’m always tempted to take one early just so I can see what a positive result looks like (even if it is just from the trigger shot).
So true, lol.
I never could stand the way people stared at me when I bought a lot of pregnancy tests though… judgey people. Ugh.
I bought MANY tests when I got pg with my daughter.
I had the biggest shock a few months ago when I was hopeful I might be pg (ttcing for #2 is proving more difficult) a MALE cashier was asking me all these questions about buying a pg test, like how old are you, do you have any kids, and you want another? It was so annoying!!
I hate to think of the money that I’ve spent on pregnancy tests! And then there’s the times you are buying a three pack of FRER tests AND tampons. You get some strange looks from female (usually older) cashiers then….like they want to explain to you how things work….
Too cute!! We are a little obsessive aren’t we
. I still have my positive test from when I found out I was pregnant with my two year old…..is this a little creepy???
If you would like to hear encouraging IVF success stories, please visit http://www.ivfsuccessstories.info
I used to buy 10 or 20 pregnancy tests at a time at the dollar store. You know what, those cashiers are smart and say absolutely nothing. (or they’re just in a daze all the time.) When they’re always negative, it hardly seems worth the effort to spend a ton of money on testing.