Mar 28

*Lady Gaga just announced that she plans to have a baby through IVF. Check out my new Gaga post at

*sorry if this article makes you want to Lady Gag.

7 Responses to “Lady Gaga wants a Baby Gaga”

  1. Anonymous says:

    Great article!!!! And I bet lady Gaga’s first IVF attempt will work. That’s funny!

  2. says:

    I know I’m supposed to be all offended, but every time I’ve heard her actually talk, she’s awkward, but intelligent. And all of her insanity is really just brilliant marketing. She knows she’s awkward, so she’s turned that into a persona that makes the awkward seem aloof and mysterious. I have to think that there are sperm issues on his side, and they are coming to the conclusion to go with a donor out of necessity. She figured it couldn’t be hidden, so she’s framing it as a personal eccentricity which goes along with her wacky persona (all marketing of course) in order to protect his reputation and ego a bit.

  3. says:

    I have been reading your blog for a while and I think you are so funny. Thank you for making light of a real crappy situation.

    I can’t wait to see Baby Gaga’s onsie’s.

  4. Jax says:

    Of course she’ll get pregnant, she’s a celebrity! They hardly ever have trouble. Plus, it must be nice to have tons of money to fund IVF. Bitch.

  5. Heather says:

    Very funny :)
    Although it’s not funny, I think to ignore your boyfriend just to have Italian lineage. It should be created in a love relationship, not because you just want a designer baby.

  6. says:

    I, like Alex, have to wonder if there are Male Factor issues underlying this announcement. Its a fine line to walk in being public about the use of donor sperm when a male partner is in the picture. It is such a personal issue, and not very openly discussed. I can totally respect her need for ‘privacy’ if that (MFI) is the case – being that she really doesn’t /won’t have any privacy in regards to a pregnancy. It would be even cooler though, if she came out publicly with MFI as the reason she is choosing to use DS.

  7. Alexandra's mum says:

    Hmmm…I don’t know what to think. Maybe Foxy is right, and there could be MFI issues. It would make sense for her to want to protect her bf from an embarassing media storm.

    However, if it’s just to have a “designer” baby that is “just so”, I think that’s crappy. I also have issues with women who have no fertility issues choosing to go through IVF. I know they have their reasons, but it’s hard to be compassionate as the infertile.

    We have friends who desperately want a girl, so they are thinking about going through IVF to try to sway gender. I am supportive, but it does set my teeth on edge. They have two healthy boys. I get that they want a girl, but be thankful for what you have. I’d take either gender in a minute!!! We’ll see if they decide to go through it when they hear how much $$$$$$$$ and time go into an IVF cycle!!!!
