Dec 30

Congratulations to the Infertile “Winners” of 2009.

  • Congratulations to the Duggar Family from the reality TV show, 18 Kids & Counting on the birth of their 19th child! Proud parents Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar welcome another baby into their large fertile family. Congratulations big daddy on your exceptional sperm count and a uterus that seems to get pregnant on the first try every single time. Are they going to keep re-naming the television show after she reaches 30 and Counting? Mazel Tov from the entire infertile community.

  • Remember Thomas Beatie? He is believed to be the world’s first ‘pregnant man.’ He gave birth to TWO children while some of us with working vaginal parts can’t even get pregnant with one.
  • Octomom and single mother, Nadya Suleman gave birth to octuplets through In Vitro Fertilisation, and now has her own reality show. Hey Nadya, how did you afford the treatment and where can we find your discounted fertility clinic? We’d be happy to take a baby or two off your hands!
  • Congratulations to Brad and Angelina on 8 children within 5 years! You make adopting and getting pregnant look so simple!
