Jan 18

You’ve had a lot of special moments during your infertility journey.

The “this time next year I will be pregnant” moment.
The “I can’t believe IVF didn’t work” moment.
The “all my friends are pregnant but me” moment.

To name just a few…

But the “I SHOULD BE PREGNANT RIGHT NOW” moment is extra fun. You did the fertility treatment and you were so sure that this one was going to work. During the two week wait, you had dangerous fantasies like how you would tell your parents or imagining your baby’s due date. Then, the negative pregnancy test happens and your fantasies disappear faster than your cervical mucus. You are now left with the “I should be pregnant right now” moment which includes special moments like:

  • Seeing a pregnant woman and thinking “that should be me!”
  • Thinking that your sixth week ultrasound would be next week.
  • Knowing that you have to pay for ANOTHER round of treatment.
  • Thinking that you’ll still have to be a bridesmaid and wear that ugly dress in (fill in the blanks) wedding after all.
  • Stopping doing your “I could be pregnant” fake pregnancy waddle.

Now it’s your “I need a strong drink” moment. Someone grab a drink or two or eight. It’s infertility ‘happy’ hour.

