Previous Post
Nov 15

Your pregdar has been on high alert all month.

Last week, you were convinced that your sister-in-law was pregnant because she refused to eat deli during a family dinner. You spent the last couple of week’s spying on her, searching for clues that would confirm your suspicions.

Sunday family dinner: SIL ate a second helping of pasta. She seems awfully hungry…
Wednesday at Darin’s birthday dinner: SIL had to use the bathroom right after the meal.
Saturday at Uncle Joe’s: SIL was tired and left early.

You were convinced that your pregdar was correct. SIL was expecting her holy crap it’s not fair 3rd child. But then, you went out for sushi and she ordered raw fish. Interesting… Is she trying to throw you off or is she actually not pregnant. You are now confused and strangely, even a little disappointed. It would have been nice to have another niece or nephew.

It’s official.

You husband thinks you’re crazy. Maybe your fertility doctor should substitute your fertility medication with anti-psychotic drugs designed for those dealing with infertility.

(Don’t forget to check out my latest post about and Jessica Simpson’s refusal to join the ).

16 Responses to “#642 Your SIL ate Sushi and Now you think She’s not Pregnant”

  1. Alexandra's mum says:

    LOL….this is SO me. I am wondering who is pregnant at work, at the moment, because my boss said something about the “pregnant people” at work. I know of only one. Hmmmmm……who is the second??????

    As for Jessica Simpson and other celebrities….I really do wonder how many have gone through treatments and don’t want to discuss it. I get that it is a private matter-but it would be nice if infertility wasn’t such a taboo subject still. It would be nice to have a *great* spokeswomen to raise awareness and understanding.

    Unfortunately, infertility still seems to be shrouded in shame. Even on my part, I try to be open with people about my experiences, but I hesitate to participate in the 999 Reasons FB group because I don’t want it showing up on my friends’ tickers. Not that I don’t discuss it with people, I just don’t want everyone and their mother knowing my business-especially my FB “randoms”.

    Anyway, I digress. Just gotta say, though, the celebs seem to be having an awful lot of twins lately. Hmmmm….

  2. @Alexandra’smum, You don’t want to join our Facebook group and talk openly about your cervical mucus and ovulation? Why not? Your friend from elementary school will love it!

  3. Alexandra's mum says:

    LOL! Yeah…friends from high school, elementary school, my mom’s friends, husbands friends, ex boyfriends, frienemies, colleagues…. ;p I do enjoy lurking though :)

  4. Ha! I so do this at work, too. I work at a fashion company and it’s ALL women. And those bit*ches are constantly getting pregnant (and still managing to look skinny and glamorous while doing it).

  5. the misfit says:

    If there are not anti-psychotic drugs specifically for infertiles, they need to come up with some, stat. I’ll take a 23-year supply – should tide me over till menopause.

  6. Jax says:

    I know my SIL is pregnant and can’t wait till she’s done. Feel like she took my term since she already has twins and an oops. Then again my other SIL will probably get pregnant and have another baby before I ever get my first BFP. :(

  7. Michcous says:

    OMG….this is so what I needed today. Have a SIL that is OOPS and due any day. Not looking forward to that call…ummm yeah I am so excited…yippee. Glad I am not the only one who feels that it isn’t always fair!

  8. My husband’s cousin is due with her second baby any day now. BTW she had her first baby in January of THIS year. Her sister just announced that she’s due with baby #3 in May. I’m due to be committed any day now! Sign me up for some of those anti-psychotic infertility drugs!

  9. jdfan14 says:

    waiting for baby–too funny about being committed, i will be right behind you!

  10. sma says:

    @ Alexadra’s Mum.. sooooo true..i’m going through the same situation with my cousin.. we drink and play and have fun together but the past few weeks she’s been having “stomache” issues.. no drinking, no processed cheeses..always going to the bathroom, always falling asleep super early.. soooo I’m just waiting for the news.. bracing myself for the happiness and heartbreak..

    and on the FB note..I thought it was me just having that shameful thought of not wanting to like “999 reasons” as i don’t want pity comments, judgement etc fm friends..

    I did have a question for everyone thouh.. we’ve been trying for almost 4 years and no luck.. no fertility treatments just chlomid with no luck..i also have question though is when you meet new ppl who ask about when you’re thinking of having kids.. what do you tell them?

    p.s. just referring to new ppl as ppl who’ve been in my life have resorted to whispering behind my back, like i dont know..

  11. 7 years and counting says:

    @sma – on a good day I just tell people that it’s a long story, every person we’ve said that to drops the subject immediately. If I’m having a bitter day I tell them we can’t have kids.

  12. Jax says:

    Depends if I’m feeling ok, then I give them my fake smile and chime back with, “Nothing yet!”. If I’m having a shit day, then I end up blurting out my infertility story. Then they give me this look of pity and tell me those bullshit sayings people don’t know what to say in an unfortunate situation, “It will happen, when it happens”. I should’ve just walked away when they ask!

  13. Anony(mouse) says:

    @ SMA … If Im in a bad mood and the person asking happens to be single, I rudely respond with: “Well, when are YOU getting married”… and hope they get the hint that having a baby, like getting married, is not as easy as just wishing for it.

  14. jak says:

    my husband’s x-wife has told their kids (teenage girls) several times that she has had premonitions and that she “knows” i am pregnant. besides being NOHFB, when she started this annoying fortune-telling, we weren’t even trying. haha, b*tch, i’m infertile (which i’ll never tell her. i’m sure it would be used to put me down somehow).

  15. 8 years and counting says:

    My pregdar is buzzing. A FB friend is who is always posting something has suddenly gone silent for the past month. Maybe it’s nothing, maybe she is growing up or maybe early pregnancy hormones are making her too tired to tell everyone what she had for supper. It’s not much of a sign but we shall see if I’m right.

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