Jan 22

I still love you but….

7 Responses to “#635 Dear Unfertile Husband/Partner/Live-In Boyfriend”

  1. Jax says:

    MF definitely hurts. You’re the one who still goes thru all the tests, getting poked and prodded, plus the nasty emotions that go with LTTC..then your OH just goes on about his business like everything is alright. When he’s the one with the issue!!! Shouldn’t he feel something?? Suppose not.

  2. Jennifer says:

    Sad but true. I’m glad we can laugh about it though, it helps, especially when all we want to do is cry.

  3. Alexandra's mum says:

    @Jax…I often wondered how it would feel, as the woman, to have to go through all the treatments when the issue is male factor. Of course, I don’t really understand (issue is me and pcos), but I feel like a have a small (nee miniscule) understanding now. I hope you get your BFP soon!

  4. scandinavian endo girl, angel mom. says:

    @ Jax, I think they do feel it, but they´re just good at hiding it.
    I´m in a way glad that it´s both me and hubby that´s the issue, in an odd way that makes me feel better about our struggeling.

    Scandinavian endo girl

  5. e urdu point says:

    When he’s the one with the issue!!! Shouldn’t he feel something?? Suppose not.

  6. jordan 11 says:

    This is a walk Yang Luo Ji a finger on the point.Luo Ji was also angry red in the face once, and simply said bitterly.

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