Oct 30

#644 How to Survive an Infertile Halloween

This time last year, you were starting your first IUI. So how come, a year later, you are no closer to a pregnancy? Another infertile Halloween. Sigh.

Here are some tips on surviving another infertile Halloween:

1. Dress snazzy this Halloween! Dress up as a bottle of Folic Acid, a broken uterus, a negative pregnancy test or an 8.2 celled embryo fertilizing in a petri dish (note: not all costumes are available at Walmart).

2. When kids ring your doorbell, resist the urge to keep them. Stealing a child is very wrong but thinking in your head that you wouldn’t mind keeping your neighbor’s child is perfectly acceptable.

3. Answer the door sobbing and tell the first kid you see about your last failed cycle.

4. Rent the scary movie about the single fallopian tube and its immature egg quality.

5. Give out raisins for Halloween. Eat all the chocolate yourself because you deserve it.

6. Leave a note on the door that says “Sorry kids. No Halloween candy here because I’m ovulating tonight!”

7. Put on a beard and tell everyone you’re dressed as a woman with PCOS.

8. If anyone in your office dresses up as a pregnant woman, mention to your boss that she asked to work overtime this week.

9. Go to your morning fertility appointment dressed as a positive pregnancy test.

10. Answer the door with a smile on your face and hope in your heart. You may not be pregnant this Halloween but one day you will take your future children out trick or treating.

Only an infertile could despise a holiday that is dedicated to chocolate, candy and sugar. Eat up!

20 Responses to “#644 How to Survive an Infertile Halloween”

  1. Kristin says:

    I laughed until I cried funny tears and then that last one, #10, made me cry very real tears. Thanks for all you do!

  2. Alexandra's mum says:

    Bahahahahahaha! Great post! Let’s see…#7 is me, and I really loved #5 and #8. I remember that Halloween was always one of the more difficult holidays for me to get through (with the exception of Christmas…that was pure torture). We’re still struggling with secondary infertility, but I try to remember that things can change VERY quickly in a relatively short amount of time (even when you think IT will never happen). I hope that this time next year, we all have buns in the oven or little ones screaming to be fed!

  3. 7 years and counting says:

    Love #5, I might do that this year! Also be sure to dress up the dog or cat despite how they act I’m sure they really do love to wear clothes.

  4. says:

    Thank you for another awesome post! #10 got me so bad. Have a Happy Halloween!

  5. Sabrina says:

    This is a great comic relief! Thanks for posting!

  6. says:

    #1-9 were funny and #10 was heartrendingly lovely.

    Thanks for posting, Happy Halloween!

  7. Catharine says:

    5 and 7 are sooooo right on the money! We actually did #5 lol.

    And 10 is so beautiful and sooooo true.

  8. Anand says:

    great relief on infertility

  9. Brit16 says:

    Thanks for another great post!! I love coming here and reading what you come up with next. Holidays can be really stressful for a lot of infertile women. Try your best to think about what you do have and not what you are missing. It will be your time eventually!!! I thought our time may never come, but after 6 total cycles we finally had our little miracle boy! If you would like to read our story please visit http://www.ivfsuccessstories.info Good luck to everyone still trying!

  10. says:

    Hahah! Funny part is, we actually shut off our light and locked up early because I was ovulating on 11/1 and we wanted to get a quickie in while my husband’s son was out with his friends. This was hilarious, so glad I stumbled upon it.

  11. JerseyGirl says:

    After the news of another “negative” on 10-31, this really put a smile on my face. :-)Love this website! xoxo

  12. says:

    Love this list. So funny- especially love:
    7. Put on a beard and tell everyone you’re dressed as a woman with PCOS.
    So funny.

  13. Sma says:

    #1,3,7 are epic.. So funny!!

  14. dee says:

    Funny, except I’m not sure about #10. Not every women experiencing infertility will end up with a child.

  15. GAgirl says:

    Funny thing is, you’re right… a year ago I was getting ready for my first IUI. We don’t do Halloween anymore because I can’t look at all the cute kids in their cute costumes. But thanks for helping me laugh… if you don’t laugh, you cry and then you annoy people. And it’s nice to know I’m not the only one!

  16. Chanik says:

    OMG this is so funny!!! When I read the title I was thinking what does Halloween have to do with infertility. This is great I love it I’m going to post the link of your blog to my blog (if you don’t mind) because let’s face it we have to find the humor in our situation.

  17. Thanks for the laugh. I found myself crying in between tick-or-treater visits this year. Each time the door bell rang I’d have to blow my nose and wipe my eyes before I could hand out candy to all the little princesses and monsters. I dressed my dog up as a witch, and the kids all got a kick out of seeing her in her costume. It helped a little but I may have to do what GAgirl did next year and go away for Halloween.

  18. mommywannabe says:

    You can always celebrate another infertile Halloween like I did, crying in your car on the way home from stuffing yourself with Chinese food because you saw a mom taking pictures of her little one in thier costume and the street is FILLED with kids.

  19. says:

    This time last year I WAS having my first IUI and I am still no closer to fertility. Did you write this post about me???? There were several small princesses and pirates that I was tempted to steal on Halloween and I did eat all of the chocolate myself :)

  20. deb says:

    Halloween is the only holiday that makes my husband cry. He can’t take all the kids in their costumes, but he loves it so much he refuses to stop giving out candy.
