May 30

This “Infertility Song” has been downloaded from YouTube almost one million times. You are guilty of downloading it at least 650,000 of those times (and crying uncontrollably during the song).

12 Responses to “#662 You Listen to Infertility Songs Over and Over (and Over) Again”

  1. says:

    This song is unbelievable to listen to and cry to. I cry EVERY single time I hear it. It’s truly moving and hits so close to home with those experiencing infertility. Thanks for sharing with those that have never heard it!

  2. says:

    When I’m not listening to this one, I’m listening to Lady Saw’s ‘No Less Than A Woman’, which is a more upbeat infertility song. Still cry through both of them.

  3. Mo says:

    Darn you! I hate that type of music, this woman has the cheesiest celine dione wannabe mannerisms in the universe, and yet now I’m bawling. Darn you to heck! :-P

  4. says:

    I had no idea songs like these existed! Looked like something from SNL but it still made me cry!

  5. Dee says:

    I have never seen this before. And now I am sobbing. Wow

  6. Alexandra's mum says:

    Ugh. I’ve heard that before-a few times. Still makes me cry even after having a baby. I wonder if it always will?

  7. says:

    I’ve actually been following your blog for several months now, and I love your content. I’ve gone through some circumstances that have given me good reason to believe that I will have trouble reproducing when I begin trying, and I feel a sense of empathy with everyone here. Thanks for this. You’re an amazing soul.

  8. says:

    I cried the whole way through that! Thanks for sharing!

  9. Maelyn says:

    Very sad song, and video, hits close to home, two failed iui’s an ivf cycle with a bfp, twins and then I m/c both. Just had d&c today, its nice to know others understand how I am feeling.

  10. says:

    I have listened to this song about 1,000 times and I cry hysterically every time. The Dixie Chicks’ So Hard is another tear jerker.

  11. Holy crap…first time I’ve seen/heard about this song…so glad I’m ‘working’ from home today – would not have been good to be sniffling and snorting in the office…not good for the male ego!
    Just wait till I show the wife!! HopefullyTTC will love this one. Guess you’re about to see the download count go from just under a million to close on two million..

  12. says:

    The ladies with the signs get me every time! However, the jury is still out on the hand motions and my favorite, the gusts of indoor wind. I can only hope to be so flowy indoors! ;)

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